Social media integration gives your audition more ways to engage and interact with your brand.

Y'all're creating more than opportunities for them to share your content and promote your products/services for yous. The best function: It'southward piece of cake to do.

In fact, with the right tools (which we'll testify you) you'll exist able to integrate social media with your website, email, and other channels today.

Bonus: Read the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.

Why is social media integration of import?

First a quick definition: Social media integration is the human activity of using social media accounts as an extension of your marketing strategy. This is typically accomplished two ways:

  1. Directing your social media audience to your website
  2. Allowing your social media accounts to be hands accessed on your website

Call back about those social media buttons you see on blog posts and web pages. It allows you to easily share an interesting piece of content without having to copy and paste the URL. That'southward a perfect example of social media integration in action.

Social media integration helps accomplish a few primal goals, including increasing your brand achieve and awareness. It also encourages engagement with your website and helps build a bigger audition on social media.

It is more important than ever that businesses and brands give their audiences more than ways to interact with them. COVID-19 has inverse the landscape for how people collaborate with businesses. More than people are turning to social media than always due to the global pandemic.

In club to help keep your make awareness afloat (or fifty-fifty increase information technology), yous'll need to integrate social media throughout your communication channels.

Social media integration strategies for your website

Your website and social media should work together seamlessly. This helps promote your brand while boosting traffic to your social media accounts.

To help, here are three tips to integrate social media onto your website.

Add social sharing links to your blog posts

add social sharing links to blog posts

These are the social share buttons you lot see at the lesser of most blog posts. They sometimes as well appear at the peak.

They help increase awareness of your content, while too giving your readers a seamless manner to share your content. The improved user experience volition be a boon to your website.

When adding social share buttons, our best piece of advice is to go on information technology simple. You don't need to add every. Unmarried. Social. Media. Platform.

Instead simply focus on the few platforms that are relevant to your brand.

Don't spam your website with them either. Merely keep them focused on the sharable pieces of content like your weblog posts and videos.

Best practices are to place them at the tiptop, bottom, or along the side of your page.

If you're wondering almost how to actually get social share buttons, here are a few WordPress plugins we suggest:

  • AddThis
  • Social Snap
  • Easy Social Share
  • Shareaholic

Add social posts to your website

I great way to spruce upwards your website while integrating social media is by including a feed of social media posts on your pages.

Here's a great example from Ferrari. Notice how it's both a call to activeness and likewise an constructive plug of their Instagram account:

add social posts to website Ferrari

These are typically live feeds of your social media posts. However, you tin also use a branded hashtag in society to showcase a feed of posts from your followers and fans.

The positive article of clothing brand Life is Adept takes this approach with their hashtag #ThisIsOptimism.

Life is Good branded hashtag

Those who post an Instagram photo with them wearing a Life is Skilful shirt and include the hashtag accept the opportunity to exist featured on their feed on their website.

Here are some WordPress Plugins for integrating social media feeds on your website:

  • Instagram Feed Pro

Create a social login option

Have you e'er gone to a website that immune you to login using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account? Those are great examples of social logins!

create social login option

Non only is this a nifty way to integrate social media on your website, but it's also the style most people prefer to login. In fact, one report from LoginRadius establish that 73% of users prefer to login using their social media accounts.

That makes sense. Subsequently all, it's so much easier to use a social media account to login than creating an entirely new profile, picking a countersign, and confirming it on your e-mail—only to have to log in once again when you're done. Instead, information technology's merely a few clicks at virtually and you're in.

Diving a bit deeper, most users prefer to login using their Google business relationship—by a very large margin. In fact, 70.99% of users surveyed preferred Google, whereas merely twenty% preferred Facebook and nine.3% preferred Twitter.

WordPress plugins for social login:

  • LoginRadius
  • Nextend Social Login
  • Social Login

Social media integration strategies for email marketing

Here are a few good means you tin can integrate social media into your emails. Doing so will permit your readers to easily and chop-chop find your social accounts and follow you.

Add social sharing links to your footer

social sharing links email footer

Your emails are the perfect place to add social sharing links. Like your website they tin become to the superlative or the bottom of your electronic mail.

Most oft though, the social sharing buttons are at the footer of emails. In the case above, everyone's favorite freaky fast sandwich shop Jimmy John's includes their iii biggest social media accounts on the bottom of their promotional emails.

Any good customer relationship manager similar Mailchimp or Constant Contact volition give you options to include social media sharing links at the bottom of your emails.

Remind subscribers of your social community (and incentivize them)

One smashing tactic for social media integration is sending out email blasts showcasing your social media accounts.

This is a great way to invite your subscribers to connect socially past incentivizing them with the benefits of doing so.

Here's a skilful example from Urban Outfitters:

social community reminder Urban Outfitters

Source: ReallyGoodEmails

With this electronic mail they both call attention to the great photos on their Instagram account while likewise promoting their make of stylish, hipster wearable.

Eternalize social media campaigns with email blasts

Have a social media giveaway or contest? Or maybe you accept an audience poll y'all want peoples thoughts on? Maybe you're trying to collect some user-generated content for a blog mail service?

Email blasts are a corking way to promote them. This is when you send a unmarried electronic mail to your entire listing request them to complete a phone call to action.

Here's a great example from Handy:

Handy email blast

Source: ReallyGoodEmails

They permit their customers know they tin win prizes on their Twitter account, see fun photos on their Instagram, and watch helpful videos on their Facebook feed.

How to apply Hootsuite for effective social media integration

Now that you know of a few good reasons yous should implement social media integration, let's take a look at how Hootsuite can help you optimize your social media game.

Create and schedule your posts in one place

With Hootsuite y'all'll be able to integrate your social media accounts into one simple dashboard. This allows you to create a cohesive content calendar for all of your marketing plans.

create and schedule posts on Hootsuite

This allows you lot to get a large motion picture view of your social media accounts and make adjustments if necessary.

Plus, non merely can you meet what content is slated to be posted, but you lot'll as well be able to create new content right on the dashboard. With simply a few clicks, you can besides schedule them to post after likewise.

Here are a few manufactures to help y'all get started posting on Hootsuite:

  • How to Schedule Tweets to Salvage Time and Engage Your Followers
  • How to Majority Schedule Social Media Posts (Up to 350!) and Save Time
  • How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar

Respond to customer service inquiries

Call up: Social media integration is all about using social media as an extension of your make. That's why it's and then important to be aware of your social sentiment (i.eastward. the emotions and feelings your audience has towards your brand) throughout your digital marketing efforts.

A adept style to keep social sentiment positive is past responding quickly to whatsoever questions or comments your customer has on social media. This might be a DM on Twitter or a message on Facebook or a annotate on LinkedIn.

Hootsuite Inbox gives you one dashboard to engage with your audience across all your social channels. With it, yous'll be able to speak to and answer any questions from your customers via your social media accounts with ease.

Hootsuite Inbox customer service inquiries

To learn how y'all can apply Hootsuite Inbox for your social media strategy, take our gratuitous grade on the tool today. There'southward as well this helpful article on how to employ Hootsuite Inbox.

Use Hootsuite to schedule posts on all the major social networks, monitor relevant conversations, and rails your date—all from the same dashboard. Try it costless today.

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